botanical gardens become poetry readings

Sketching, drawing, rubbing, plants, leaves, cameras, trees, and more plants = a trip to the botanical gardens. I guess I liked it, I've never really done anything like a native plant drawing roadtrip before. I kind of went off on my own buzz and looked at the native plants, which to be honest, have never held any particular interest to me before, but I surprised myself by enjoying the challenge to sketch a lifelike picture of their texture and lines. So that about covers the morning, we then headed back to MSVA and found we were to be attending a (drum roll please) 'Poetry Reading'. I was thinking, 'what the hell?!' I mean native plant sketching to poetry readings?? Attending a Poetry reading was definatly not what I had in mind for the afternoon. If I'm honest with myself, I probably reacted like that because the idea of attending a poetry reading freaked the tripp out of me. Don't get me wrong, I love poetry and have even written some dark stuff of my own, but I mean what does one do at such occasions? Soooo I went along with a skeptic mind not knowing what to expect only to find I really enjoyed it. Each of the poets were incredibly different. A guy with awesome dreads had a worldly rap feel to his words, I reckon he got a lot of his ideas from the news on tv and thus spoke poetry the world could identify with. A young-ish dude sung his poetry with a reggae kind of a vibe. And there was this lady from North America, she was part Indian and her poetry was deeply affected by her heritage. Her style of speaking was buzzy, she moves her whole body to match her words which speed up then slow down depending on the feel of what she is saying. It was so intense, it was hard to concentrate on anyone but her. So even though I don't remember their names (sad huh), I reckon I won't forget today easily. It was certainly random annnnnd we got to head home early, which means an early night to get over this crap cold that has taken over my head..

-heres some pics of the dudes at the botanic gardens...
class president Jakob eyeing out tutor William lol
the dudes. Luma, Stirling?, Liam, tall James, Jakob, and Paul


some visual diary art im liking

 It's like a collage of your thought patterns when making art, looking at an artist's VD is a way of seeing inside their mind..

reflections on the week gone..

I like that word, reflections, it's trippy lol. I guess when I reflect on the week thats just been and gone, a bunch of thoughts come to mind. Thoughts about what I've learnt, people I've met, and things I've discovered about myself and art. Like how even though it looks like a preschoolers piece of art when I paint/draw with my left-hand or without looking, I actually like it.. and who knew painting with mud could be art? We had a look at this artist called John Wolseley who did that, he made art from natures perspective of life, looked like some crazy hippy too. It was different learning continuous line drawing though, as I've never done anything like it before. Filled my first page of my VD with it lol. Our tutors are alright too, I'm loving the laid back approach to learning and studying art. Having to do this blog thing is interesting, not sure I like it, but yeah hopefully it will improve as I get used to it. And for all you CVA's out there, studying visual art at MSVA is proving to be challenging and fun, oh and trippy! Looking forward to our year ahead!

Visual artist's have always had this wonderful ability to extract the innermost workings of the matrix in which we live. -John Wolseley
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