Nudes and Gallery Hopping..

Woah, its been a while.. break was.. interesting? Talk about dramas. Anyways, we just completed the first week of our 'Sensing the Surface' painting brief. Did life drawing this week..yeah. Never done it before so was a bit unsure, and I found it really challenging. You kind of get over the fact that someone is posing in the nuddy and that you actually HAVE to look at them. I just found myself zoning out and drawing away. I reckon you end up thinking of the model more as an object with shadows and movement than an actual person. We spent today 'Gallery Hopping'; visited three or four galleries. Te Tuhi was coolys. While we were waiting for the rest of CVA to turn up I was being nosy and had a look at an exhibition two guys were setting up. It was a white rectangular room with black elastic cords stretched out from various points on the walls and floor. There were colored pipes holding parts out the cord out from the wall too. It was very abstract looking. Turns out one of the guys (a white-haired old dude who's thoughts were his face) was the artist. He asked me what I thought of the work so I told him how a section of it reminded me of a circus trapeze and that it seemed like the more you look at it or change position, you see different things. It never looked the same. I told him I liked how it came out to meet you almost like a drawing from paper and filled the space of the room. And the shadows formed from the cords as well as tape on the walls created a really neat 3D look. He got really excited and then explained his thought process. He kept stopping in mid-sentence to think and then tried to explain his mind. He was fascinated by the way lines form an image, that shadow defines, and the fact that lines in an empty space cause shadows that create different images. He was really passionate. Then I headed through the rest of the gallery with CVA. The exhibition 'The Asian' was really buzzy. Its interesting to see how different people see the same image and reproduce it. The artist copied a poster in oils then got fifty something oil artists to copy her. It was hard to tell which was the original and made me think about what originality really is.. I reckon they all form in a way, all one artist. We then headed into town to check out the City Gallery. I really liked Charles F.Goldie's 'Night in a Whare' and Alexis Hunter's 'Rivers of the Moon'. Oh and John Loore's 'Tumau'. Loved walking around and seeing the different forms of art. We had a look at this trippy exhibition down the road too, I looked at one image with out-of-focus eyes and it moved!! It was buzzy asssssssssssss. So yeah mean day with CVA.


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