basic highlights..

So this week has been pretty interesting. Lectures, practical work, contextual studies, and chillin' in between. I really enjoyed the workshop we did in the reserve with Caroline, I found it really useful learning how to use the flash in taking photographs in daylight. It was fun trying to take photos of things based on set requirements too. We had several lectures on composition, expectations, photographers, and a reading on a certain NZ photographer. I found them all really interesting to listen to and then to critique or break it down with everyone. We also had to photograph the first shoot of our individual projects which I did on Wednesday night at church. I loved taking photos of my happy church fambilly. My aim was to show church through my eyes in the hope of altering the ideas people have about it based on the negative view the media has produced. Woah, that was an intense sentence lol.. In hearing everyone critique my final pictures, I reckon I accomplished exactly that.. I really liked the critiquing, it helps to know honestly what people think and how to alter my perception to match theirs.. So yeah, love you CVA. Have a mean weekend and stay safe!! Happy Birthday Nancy!!!!!


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