photos taken over the last week..

Thought I would post some photos I've taken over the last week or so.. I reckon I'm starting to get the hang of this photography thing.. lol

a photo taken for practical. We were in the reserve, noticed this in a tree.. kind of depressing huh

a photo Kerryn took of me, mucking around with silhouettes.. i like it lol

once again, taken while mucking around during practical..

Otara Centre.. Someone stuck this awesome poster up and heaps of people had drawn on it..yeah.

this so didn't turn out how I expected it too, complete fluke lol. Was trying to take a photo of the sun..

mucking around, I like how it happened though.

3am. Bored. Had a camera. Thus took photo of self..Yeah.

mucking around with shutter speed when at BK with some mates..

experimenting with light painting.

same as above.. I find these photos buzzy as.

one of my individual project experimental photos.. I like.



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