The Recycled Glamour of Estelle Pemberton

We had a artist talk by and artist named Estelle Pemberton the other day.. She has an amazing range of skills in art that she has picked up over the years. I found it really interesting and inspiring listening to her. Mainly because she has this passion for art and so everything she does is to up-skill and feed that passion. For example, she wanted to be an artist technician so she studied welding and got a lowly job. She treats everything like experience so her skills range from a fine arts degree in sculpture, to welding and being a painting assistant to the artist Patrick Hughes. She also creates these one-of-a-kind handbags that she has made and sold throughout her art career.. She is a frequent seller at craft markets and has her own label called 'Recycled Glamour'. One of her main points was that you can never have enough experience, that you should always be growing and changing with your art and that you can't expect to jump right into a position. You have to start from the bottom and work at it until you get to the top. I found it good hearing that because I'm not entirely sure what I want to do.. But gaining experience wherever I can seems like a good idea.


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