The title says it all..
Asking an art student (who generally uses the creative right side of the brain) to partake in a survey/test involving 30 mathematical questions, is to say the least, a bad idea. I'd forgotten how dumb I am at Math, I mean I'm sweet if I've being working math problems out on a day-to-day basis, but after eight months of bumming it around.. It was like I had to perform cpr on my own brain it was so dur! Having a headache didn't help either. In saying all that, I got a high grade in the literacy and writing so it wasn't all a complete and epic fail. Right, now I've had a rant, I shall write about the morning sketches we did..
So we got our pencils and various sketchbooks/papers out and were told that today we would sketch realistically. Last week's drawing techniques were to loosen us up, but today was all about realism. I did a nice drawing of a piece of twiggy grass that had dried and died, and also a few of leaves. Trying to reproduce the texture on paper proved rather challenging, especially as I was having one of those off days when you tend to stare out the window..but it turned out a rather nice morning of doing something we all (fellow class citizens) relate to and enjoy. I'm really loving the atmosphere in our studio/class, knowing that the people around all share a similar interest and see things the way you do. We joke around and chill out a lot, but I reckon, in all seriousness, we are all serious about studying art (even if we don't look like we are). Yeah that about covers today, oh and we unofficially voted Jakob as class rep.. it's gonna be one fun year..
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