forgotten sanity...

So today is one of my buzzy days when everyone asks me if I'm on something. I was tripping out over the word loopy (thanks Jakob, am holding you responsible as you said it) and was giggling like a mad person.. Figured it was best to remove myself from the situation as I did not want my fellow class citizens to see me in such a state so soon in the semester.. don't want to freak them out more than I already have. Thus I find myself chilling in one of the computer suites.. just sent my tutor, William, an email with a link to this blog so he can assess that I'm writing, although I don't think this rant is what he had in mind.. Sorry William and fellow tutors, if you scroll down there is actually writing and pictures about art and what we have been learning. Maybe I should write something about that actually.. So since my last post, we photocopied leaves collected from the botanic gardens then cut them out and glued them as a collage. We then traced them onto graphite paper and used different mediums (pencil, charcoal, pen, pastels) to add detail. We also used the photocopier to multiply one leaf by heaps and negativised (yup new word) them, then we traced that onto the background of our tracings on the graphite paper. The finished product was like nothing I've ever done before. We also buried paper in a section of the reserve by MSVA as a practical study of John Wolseley. Weird huh? We dug them up today after a weekend of rain to find some had disintegrated, others looked like mush, and some turned out like strange masterpiece's. We put them aside to dry for tomorrow, actually I wonder what we are going to do with them tomorrow.. When we went to the Botanic Gardens last week (see previous posts) we took a bunch of pictures with the school cameras. Well to be honest Louise and Kerryn did, I figured too much creative picture-taking-energy between the four (Kara too) of us and one camera could become problematic. So I went off on my own buzz and drew thumbnails of native plants.. Anyway, we each chose and printed off one of those picture's today and were told to grid an A2 piece of paper then draw it on the grid. Basically, we were enlarging it, which was kind of trippy considering I had been researching an artist, Tim Maguire, for my response who did just that. Having drawn an outline,we now have to fill each section of the grid with different mediums. As I was having a buzzy out day, I brought mine home to do so I could concentrate..but ended up finishing this post. Go figure. Maybe I will post some pictures of my work when its done, depends if I end up liking it..

i like to write/type.. deal with it.


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